Toolkits to productise your data

What does “productise” your data actually mean?

What is the difference between data, and a data product?

A data product is in the format others can use, has attributes and standards - for example coffee beans vs a packaged coffee product. Our self-service data product toolkit helps you make your data more useable by others, allows you full control of how data is used. You can even attach a price to your data.

The benefit,  broadly stated, is that your data is more easily reusable and shareable among the other participants in your data ecosystem. Of course your data might have value for other ecosystems  as well and you can sell the data to them via our marketplace. Of course if you are on one of our Growth Trains you will experience the benefits of productising your data. 

The point of all this is you are in control of your data – not your data system provider or application builders. We help you to build data product catalogs for internal or ecosystem level reuse.

We start with the phenomenon you are addressing

TAKT optimisation  •  Lifetime maintenance • Energy optimization
• Resilience planning • Climate monitoring

Turn the phenomena you observe into problem-solving through data sharing!

We will take your team through a workshop process, show you what your data value-chain is, help you prioritise the problems to be solved, help you develop a business case for sharing data

Use our self-service tools - or one of our carefully vetted solution Partners. We guide you - your team does the work and gains the learning. 

The Platform of Trust toolkit we build for you


  • Business model frameworks
  • Ontologies
  • Connector templates
  • API templates
  • Dashboard models

Pricing? It's customised but here's an idea

  • Platform of Trust operates a subscription model, more like a gym membership
  • The costs are low because your team is doing the work, doing the learning (and learning from other teams)
  • The initial workshop is our investment
  • We expect your company will convert to a monthly membership, roughly €6k/month, billed quarterly
  • As you start to harmonise data through the Platform, data charges will apply (see pricing here)
  • A customer moving 1 Tb through the platform would be paying under €3K/month

Get started

1) Have a chat with us. Leave your contact info below.
2) Let’s find out a business need that we can solve together. See a live demo how it works.
3) We will build an end-to-end solution for you in a moment.